We have gotten published! Jacek Radwan and I published a paper titled "Mating preferences can drive expansion or contraction of major histocompatibility complex gene family" for which I created agent-based model simulations.
We have gotten published! Jacek Radwan and I published a paper titled "Evolution of major histocompatibility complex gene copy number". It's a theoretical study using agent-based simulation I'd coded addressing the question how parasite diversity, their speed of evolution and costs of expressing MHC proteins shape the MHC genes' individual copy number variation in hosts.
Polskie instytucje naukowe są za biedne, aby skutecznie konkurować o granty Europejskiej Rady ds. Badań Naukowych. Mamy ich tyle, ile wynika z naszych wydatków na badania i rozwój (analiza AD 2016)